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Hart County High School
Munfordville Elementary School

Serving Hart County High School and Munfordville Elementary School


Jamie Reynolds-Coordinator

Jessamyn Hawkins-Assistant Coordinator

270-524-4651 (Munfordville)

270-524-2332 (HCHS)

270-524-4673 (FRYSC cell number)

Today we kicked off our “Guys with Ties” program that is targeted towards 6th grade boys finding positive traits, standing up to peer pressure, grooming and hygiene, treating others well, automobile care, tools, and nutrition.

Todays guest speaker was Ben Benningfield from Leitchfield crossing church. Ben talked with our small group on talking to girls, being respectful, using manners, and how to handle being a boy in middle school. He talked about healthy relationships as well as healthy friendships.

Our goal for this program is to help these boys turn into successful young men.

Thank you Ben!

H.O.P.E. FRYSC provides the following:

  • heath and social services referrals
  • backpack food program
  • Christmas assistance 
  • career exploration and development
  • summer and part time job development for high school students
  • substance abuse education
  • family literacy services and programs
  • scheduling various programs for both MES and HCHS that are needed such as dental ed, seat belt safety, distracted driving, healthy relationships, character ed, reality store, cardio carnival, bullying, tobacco ed, STOP program, and many more
  • assistance with prom dresses for students at HCHS
  • project graduation festivities
  • basic needs
  • Sponsors S.A.D.D. club at HCHS

9th/10th grade check in:

Weekly Check On

Consent for Dental Treatment

BRDHD Privacy Notice

Today Sonya Richardson Carter with the Hart County Cooperative Extension office, began a nutrition program with our third graders! They learned about nutrition and about making a healthy snack like pumpkin bread! They even got to sample some! Thank you Sonya!