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Comprehensive Improvement Plans

Comprehensive Improvement Planning in Kentucky is used as the means of determining how schools and districts will plan to ensure that students reach proficiency and beyond.  The process focuses school and district improvement efforts on student needs by bringing together all stakeholders to plan for improvement, by focusing planning efforts on priority needs and closing achievement gaps between subgroups of students, by building upon school and district capacity for high quality planning, and by making connections between the funds that flow into the district and the priority needs in schools.

Comprehensive District Improvement Plan & Addendums

District Comprehensive Improvement Plan
Technology Addendum
Nutrition Services Addendum (A1c)

Comprehensive School Improvement Plans
Bonnieville Elementary
Cub Run Elementary
Hart County High School
LeGrande Elementary
Memorial Elementary
Munfordville Elementary


 For additional information, contact Dana Barrett, the district contact person for improvement planning at 270-524-2631.