Welcome to Hart County Schools. Our staff is dedicated to meeting each child’s academic, social, and emotional needs in and out of the classroom. The Hart County School Board and district leadership are committed to providing each school with the necessary resources to ensure success. This summer we developed a strategic plan to take us through the next five years in the following areas: safety and well- being, human resources and building leaders, public relations, finance and facilities, and instruction.
In recent years the concerns about school safety and security have been elevated. We continue to be proactive by regularly evaluating our procedures and practices and making necessary changes to improve the safety and security for all staff and students. Increasing the number of security cameras in each building is part of this plan. In addition, in conjunction with the Hart County Sheriff’s office, School Resource Officers are in each building.
In the area of human resources and building leaders, we have begun Teacher/Staff Leadership Cohorts to increase knowledge and expertise in our teachers and leaders. Our district has also taken the initiative to mentor new and emergent teachers while recruiting and developing experienced teachers.
One of our greatest strengths can be a sense of community. We encourage parents and community members to become involved in our schools, and we appreciate those partnerships that already exist. A key component of a successful and thriving community is how education and educational experiences are supported and valued. Each two weeks we send out a “Good News Report” to inform faculty, staff, students, parents, and community about the positive things happening in our school system.
Being responsible financially is very important to our district leadership. We have a five-year plan for improvements that need to be made to our schools and to our transportation areas. We are continuing to look at our district processes to see how we may better streamline those to increase our fiscal responsibility.
Finally, we at Hart County Schools embrace excellence in instruction. For example, our high school offers multiple dual credit college courses and career pathways. In addition, this year we are very excited about the opening of Green River College and Career Academy. Increasing rigor in instruction is our focus goal this year in all our schools. We are also making tremendous growth in expanding the availability of technology for our students and staff in our elementary schools. Google classroom is being utilized in many classrooms. We are committed to preparing our students to be successful leaders of the 21st Century, but we never want them to forget the fundamental foundations too.
Please take the time to explore our website to learn more about Hart County Schools. We are looking forward to the success this school year will offer us.